Gratitude, What is it Good For? A Perky Personality … and a Perfect Spa Day?

You may be wondering, “Could there possibly be more science-backed gratitude benefits?” The answer is: Yes!

Here’s another: Gratitude Develops Your Personality.

You might be thinking that Counseling Space is on a gratitude overload, but gratitude does mold your personality for the better! Gratitude makes us more humble, selfless, and optimistic. This is because gratitude trains our minds to perceive the positive first rather than the negative. Because of this capacity, many studies have shown that gratitude can even play a major role in mitigating trauma. A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that gratitude was a major contributor to resilience following the September 11 tragedy.

Now, we’ve given you enough to think about during the Counseling Space gratitude series. On our end, we are extremely grateful as we cultivate a Wellness Hub for women leaders, where mental wellness will also be tied to gratitude.

In turn, we INVITE YOU to express gratitude to a businesswoman who has helped you LEVEL UP by joining the boss ladies who are already taking part in our Professional Gratitude Campaign.

If you’re interested in nominating a businesswoman who has helped you LEVEL UP, here are the rules [DOWNLOAD and SHARE the RULE CARD and SEE the AWESOME PRIZES below!]:


And, YES, you AND your nominee both have a chance to win!

In the meantime, can you promise to take a minute each day this month and write what you are grateful for? We would love to hear your responses!


Yours in Gratitude,

Leslie M. Garcia


Gratitude as a Career and Business Boost!


Gratitude, What is it Good For? The Gift of a Caribbean Getaway!