Leslie Garcia Leslie Garcia

Mental Health In Color!

If there’s no more important lesson from this pandemic it’s: the power of Community, Compassion, and Collaboration. And we’d like to encourage you to take the time to collaborate with like-minded business owners to create an Educational Resource for the community! See our blog to learn more and view the results of our collaboration with the team at See in Colors — a family-friendly animated video with helpful tips to assess and invest your Mental Health from home!

If there’s no more important lesson from this pandemic it’s: the power of COMMUNITY, COMPASSION, and COLLABORATION.
We’ve seen recording artists orchestrate Grammy-worthy concerts from their living rooms in different corners of the world. Neighbors coordinating neighborhood-wide dance parties and art/food collections. We’ve seen small businesses innovate by either taking their services online or getting creative with their delivery process.
All of this fills us with hope, and we’d like to encourage you to take the time to collaborate with like-minded business owners to create an EDUCATIONAL RESOURCE for the community!
Knowing WHERE and HOW to access helpful information about all 8 DIMENSIONS of WELLNESS (emotional, spiritual, intellectual, physical, environmental, financial, occupational, and social) will be CRITICAL as we all come out of lockdown and slowly start to rebuild our lives.
We ALL have some fundamental knowledge that we can share and collaboration reaches and benefits a MUCH LARGER audience faster, more efficiently, and ALWAYS to surprising results!
Recently, Counseling Space, collaborated with the talented Lisa Nelson, visual thinker, sketchnote artist, graphic recorder and Creative Director at See in Colors, to create a family-friendly animated video with HELPFUL TIPS on how to assess and invest in your mental health from home!

We are grateful for this collaboration as it allowed us to be creative while educating everyone in a manner that is visual, fun, clear, and easy to adapt and share!

In the spirit of collaboration, we’d ENCOURAGE you to share the video on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok, etc. using the hashtags #seeincolors #counselingspace and #mentalhealthincolor!

Let’s make this EDUCATIONAL ANIMATED video viral!
This ensures that you, your loved ones, and the nation LEARN how to PROTECT MINDS and LOWER STRESS during and after these uncertain times.

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